The EPA's Annual Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) submission deadline is July 1! Are you ready?
EPA introduced several changes to its TRI reporting requirements in 2016. Owners and operators of affected facilities need to be aware of these changes to ensure the accuracy and completeness of upcoming TRI submissions. Join the experts at VelocityEHS as they guide you through the most recent changes to the TRI reporting requirements, and provide a comprehensive overview of the TRI reporting process to help you stay in compliance.
This webinar will cover:
Interpret and apply EPCRA Section 313 and 322 as they apply to your organization
Assess the key elements of completing a TRI report, including chemical use evaluation, threshold evaluation, qualifiers and exemptions, estimating releases, Form R vs. Form A applicability, submitting TRI, and revising/withdrawing/self-disclosure of TRI reports
Identify the most common errors in completing Form R reports and Form A certification statements
Assess TRI reporting changes that may apply to your organization
Recognize potential enforcement actions for TRI noncompliance
Identify and evaluate resources to assist you in preparing your TRI reports