Learn the true cost of ergonomics-related injuries, and how you can prevent them!
Discover the top ten things employees and employers should know about office ergonomics, from program-level issues like understanding the ROI of ergonomics and how to build a solid business case for ergonomics in your organization, to the benefits of ergonomic sit/stand desks, ergo balls and other ergonomic devices, along with tips on how to reduce neck, arm and back strain through proper monitor, seat and mouse configuration.
Gene Kay is a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) and Director of Ergonomics at VelocityEHS, the leading cloud EHS and sustainability software provider. Gene manages the VelocityEHS ergonomic consulting services and is lead developer of the software product. His background includes work physiology, health promotion, physical rehab and corporate ergonomics. As the former Global Ergonomics Manager at American Express and Past-President of the Upper Midwest Chapter of Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, Gene is a sought after speaker on ergonomics at regional and national educational conferences.
Gene Kay is a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) and Director of Ergonomics at VelocityEHS, the leading cloud EHS and sustainability software provider. Gene manages the VelocityEHS ergonomic consulting services and is lead developer of the software product. His background includes work physiology, health promotion, physical rehab and corporate ergonomics. As the former Global Ergonomics Manager at American Express and Past-President of the Upper Midwest Chapter of Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, Gene is a sought after speaker on ergonomics at regional and national educational conferences.